EDA Government Users - Getting Started Help

The Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Program Management Office manages EDA operations. Help Desk services are provided by DISA WESTHEM DECC Ogden Electronic Business Operational Support Team (OST). This checklist will be updated as needed.

This checklist is for DoD agencies and services that are going to begin using Electronic Data Access (EDA). It is a guide identifying the minimum steps necessary. Assistance can be obtained from the EDA Customer Support at...

CONUS ONLY: 1-866-618-5988
COMMERCIAL: 801-605-7095
DSN: 388-7095
FAX COMMERCIAL: 801-605-7453
FAX DSN: 388-7453

EDA Quick Start Guide::

Step 1. Set up PCs to access EDA in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment website.

Step 2. Have all users self-register on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment web site.

Step 1: Set up PCs to access EDA in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment website

Work with your LAN administrator to set up the PCs of your organization's users to access EDA in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment website.

Please try using Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment first and then if you experience problems check your set-up by selecting the "Machine Setup" link on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment home page or call the Ogden Help desk for assistance - for Ogden Help desk information select the "Customer Support" link on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment home page.

A general outline of the steps is:

1. Verify Hardware adequacy.
2. Verify Software adequacy.
3. Plug-ins (if needed).
4. PKI Certificate Installation/Configuration and Browser Setup.
5. Establish Client Security.
6. Ensure current computer environment is functioning properly.

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Step 2: Have all users self-register on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment web site

Every government user of EDA must self-register on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment web site by completing the online registration form.

An online DD Form 2875 document is generated during registration, and the users supervisor must approve it before a GAM can activate the user.

Select the "Registration" button on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment home page and follow the instructions.

If further assistance is needed, please contact the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Customer Service Center.

Note: The user will not be activated until the online DD Form 2875 has been processed.

If a user's account has not been activated within 2 business days of self-registering, notify the Service/Agency POC or EDA Customer Support Center.

NOTE: Users must contact their POC to DEACTIVATE their account when leaving the organization, changing roles, etc.

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