IUID Government Users - Getting Started Help

The Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Program Management Office manages the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment operations. Help Desk services are provided by DISA WESTHEM DECC Ogden Electronic Business Operational Support Team (OST). This checklist will be updated as needed.

This checklist is for DoD agencies and services that are going to begin using Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment. It is a guide identifying the minimum steps necessary. Assistance can be obtained from the DECC Ogden OST at...

CONUS ONLY: 1-866-618-5988
COMMERCIAL: 801-605-7095
DSN: 388-7095
FAX COMMERCIAL: 801-605-7453
FAX DSN: 388-7453

To implement the applications in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment at your agency:

Step 1. Identify the functional lead.

Step 2. Ensure that contracts currently active are assigned valid DoDAACs.

Step 3. Have your Location Codes added to the proper Group Structure.

Step 4. Determine who will function as IUID Group Administrator (GAM).

Step 5. Notify appropriate DFAS payment office.(only applies to WAWF)

Step 6. Establish an organizational email address.(only applies to WAWF)

Step 7. Inform vendor participants that your entity will be using the iRAPT application in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.(only applies to WAWF)

Step 8. Complete Form DD577 (WAWF Certifiers only).

Step 9. Set up PCs to access the applications in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.

Step 10. Have all users self-register on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment web site.

Step 11. Practice using applications in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.

Step 1: Identify the functional lead

This will be the primary person representing the service or agency to assist you in the deployment at your site.

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Step 2: Ensure that contracts currently active are assigned valid DoDAACs.

DoDAACs can be validated at https://home.daas.dla.mil/eDoDAAD/s_search/fouo_warning.asp (External Link)

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Step 3: Have your Location Codes added to the proper Group Structure.

Your Location Code/s must be added to the proper Group Structure before any personnel can self-register in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment. If you have multiple Location Codes they can all be added to your group at the same time.

Optional Location Code extensions can be created to subdivide your Location Code into smaller units. Each Location Code and extension will have its own organizational e-mail address. The email addresses will be used to notify your sub-groups that an WAWF document status has changed.

To establish a government group for a Location Code, your Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment POC needs to either call the Customer Support Center phone number or send an email to DISA Ogden. If your organization has multiple Location Codes, the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Customer Support Center will assist in adding all your Location Codes to your Location Code Group Structure. (see Customer Support link)

Phoned in requests will be activated online. Emailed requests will be processed within 48 hours after receipt.

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Step 4: Determine who will function as IUID Group Administrator (GAM)

Services/Agencies can determine who has access to the data in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.

Government organizations shall appoint an IUID Group Administrator (GAM) to manage and activate various users in their organization to give them access to the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment data. The GAM may be an individual tasked with security responsibilities or they may be someone else. It is up to the Service/Agency to determine who has this responsibility. GAMs are usually government employees; however contractors acting on behalf of the Government may be appointed as a GAM for the Government.

To appoint an IUID GAM, each Service/Agency must contact their existing GAM with information defining the identity of the designated GAM. Notification must be supported by an official appointment letter signed by the Service /Agency designating this responsibility to the individual(s). A copy of the appointment letter will be submitted electronically to the Ogden Customer Support Center. The initial deployment of a GAM for a new activity will start once the OST receives the GAM letter. Subsequent GAM requests are maintained by the agencies original/primary GAM. If you are unsure of your GAM, utilize the "Group Administrator Lookup" link located under the Help/Training button on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment homepage. If additional support is needed, please contact the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Customer Support Center by phone (1-866-618-5988) or email Customer Support.

A sample of an official appointment letter is available on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment web site. See sample GAM Appointment letter.

The Group Administrator information is available for review to all Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment registered users. The GAM information is available on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Training site.

An overview of GAM responsibilities follows:

1. Manage Group Structure.
2. Administer Location Codes.
3. Look up group names and GAM information.
4. View and edit User Profile Information.
5. Activate (add) and deactivate users.
6. Use Activation Reports.
7. Reset user passwords.
8. Reset certificates.

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Step 5: Notify appropriate payment office

Notify appropriate DFAS payment office and ensure that the office is registered and trained.

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Step 6: Establish an organizational email address

The WAWF application in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment routes information according to government DoDAACs. WAWF documents themselves do not get routed, but status information about the documents is sent. For example, email notices are sent when a vendor SUBMITS a document. Email notices are sent when the government ACCEPTS or REJECTS a document. The Service/Agency must then decide who has access to this organizational email account and how the Service/Agency email messages will be managed.

Work with your LAN administrator to set up and test the organizational email address.

The GAM or Service/Agency Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment liaison shall provide the organizational email address to the Customer Support Center.

Note: If you do not set up an organizational email address, the personal email address of the first person who self-registers from your DoDAAC for the WAWF application will be used as the organizational email address.

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Step 7: Inform vendor participants that your entity will be using the WAWF application in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment

Inform vendor participants that your entity will be using WAWF and provide them with instructions on how to transition.

The following reference is provided from Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS) which is available at: http://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/dars/dfars/index.htm (External Link)

Subpart 232.70 - Electronic Submission and Processing Payments Requests232.7003 - Procedures (a) the accepted electronic forms for transmission are:
(a) The accepted electronic form for submission of payment requests and receiving reports is Wide Area Workflow (see website https://piee.eb.mil/).
(b) For payment of commercial transportation services provided under a Government rate tender or a contract for transportation services, the use of a DoD-approved electronic third party payment system or other exempted vendor payment/invoicing system (e.g., Powertrack, Transportation Financial Management System, and Cargo and Billing System) is permitted.
(c) For submitting and processing payment requests and receiving reports for rendered health care services, use of TRICARE Encounter Data System as the electronic format is permitted.

232.7004 - Contract clause. Except as provided in 232.7002. (a)Use the clause at 252.232-7003, Electronic Submission of Payment Requests and Receiving Reports, in solicitations and contracts, including solicitations and contracts using FAR part 12 procedures for the acquisition of commercial items. (b)Use the clause at 252.232-7006, Wide Area Workflow Payment Instructions, in solicitations and contracts, including solicitations and contracts using FAR part 12 procedures for the acquisition of commercial items. When 252.232-7003 is used, neither 232.7003(b) nor (c) apply. See PGI 232.7004 for instructions on completing the clause.

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Step 8: Complete Form DD577 (WAWF Certifiers only)

Individuals in your organization appointed as certifiers are required to complete and submit a DD Form 577 Appointment/Termination Record - Authorized Signature.


Per Volume 5, Chapter 33, paragraph 330501: The DD Form 577 must specifically identify the types of payments, such as vendor pay, purchase card, centrally billed accounts, travel, transportation, and civilian pay to be certified. For individuals certifying miscellaneous vendor payments, the DD Form 577 must identify the specific type of miscellaneous payment, such as medical reimbursement, damage claims, or tuition assistance, to be certified.

Block 14 of the DD Form 577 card should contain the following statement:

To certify true electronic documents <list all specific types of miscellaneous payments> in WAWF with a Local Processing Official (LPO) Role for <List the Agency/Activity at which each of you are located>.

For electronic certification, a digitally signed DD Form 577 can be submitted via secure e-mail to dfas-incddd577@dfas.mil, per DoDFMR, Volume 5, Chapter 33, paragraph 330602.

If DD Form 577 has a wet signature, the original is required to be mailed to the following address:

Defense Finance & Accounting Service Center-Indianapolis
Disbursing Operations, System Division (Col 135B)
8899 E 56th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46249

SSNs need to be masked prior to uploading the document to a user account in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.

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Step 9: Set up PCs to access Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment

Work with your LAN administrator to set up the PCs of your organization's users to access Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.

Please try using Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment first and then if you experience problems check your set-up by selecting the "Machine Setup" link on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment home page or call the Ogden Help desk for assistance - for Ogden Help desk information select the "Customer Support" link on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment home page.

A general outline of the steps is:

1. Verify Hardware adequacy.
2. Verify Software adequacy.
3. Plug-ins (if needed).
4. PKI Certificate Installation/Configuration and Browser Setup.
5. Establish Client Security.
6. Ensure current computer environment is functioning properly.

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Step 10: Have all users self-register on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment web site

Every user of an application in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment must self-register on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment web site by completing the online registration form.

Select the "Registration" button on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment home page and follow the instructions.

If further assistance is needed, please contact the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Customer Service Center.

Note: As of release 5.6.0 of the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment, an Access Approval is automatically generated on registration. However, registration will not be activated until the online Access Approval has been approved by your supervisor.

If a user's account has not been activated within 2 business days of self-registering, notify the Service/Agency GAM or Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Customer Support Center.

NOTE: Users must contact their GAM to DEACTIVATE their account when leaving the organization, changing roles, etc.

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Step 11: Practice using applications in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.

Online Training Site - Once you have completed steps 1-10, you may want to practice using applications in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment in the online training site. This site is for practice only. You can practice submitting documents for payment, and viewing and working on documents in the online training site. After getting to the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment practice site, you should click the "Training Instructions" hyperlink in the left column to get your training User IDs and passwords and important sample data.

To practice in the online training site go to the following URL https://wawftraining.eb.mil/ (External Link).

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